Let’s Weigh The Pros And Cons Of Traveling With A Dog

Natalie SieberichsUncategorized

Full article with thanks to https://www.thetravel.com/traveling-with-dog-pros-and-cons/

No dog owner wants to leave their pet behind for long periods of time. Dog owners consider their pooch a huge part of their family and even going away for a few days can feel like they are neglecting their companion.

However, thousands of people have figured out ways to travel with their furry friends. Whether it’s taking them along for their hike or paying an extra fee to travel with them on a plane, many dog owners just can’t be without their best friend.

There are pros and cons of traveling with a dog. Bringing your dog along for hikes and other outdoor adventures is great for boosting your mood, improves your mental health, and you’ll always have a companion by your side. However, dog owners can find themselves limited to places they can go too which can mess up plans. And, all those airline costs to travel with a dog can definitely add up.

Here are the pros and cons of traveling with your pooch.


Dog owners consider their pet a part of their family or even their best friend. Dogs make great companions and having them share adventures along with you creates a special bond between you and your dog. Many people bring their dog with them for hiking trips whether it’s for a couple of hours or a few days. Dog owners who have gone on outdoor adventures have stated that they feel safer having their pet tag along and are more motivated to keep going.


No matter where you are heading, knowing your furry friend is with you will make you feel more relaxed and at ease. No one likes to leave their dog for long periods of time and sometimes being able to take them along for the ride will give owners peace of mind.

Dogs have unconditional love for their owners and always want to be by their side. Who doesn’t love coming home from work and seeing just how happy their dog is to see them? If you live alone, it is an awesome feeling knowing that you’ll be coming home to a loving companion who will put a smile on your face, even if you had a bad day.

At times it can get hard leaving your dog with others because you feel like you truly know them the best. So, deciding to take your pooch with you will make you feel less anxious and calmer.


Traveling solo can be scary for some and it can also be boring, but bringing your dog with you can not only ease your mind, but it can also be a great conversation starter. If you are at the airport with your pooch and see someone else with their furry friend, engaging in conversation comes naturally and you might even find yourself relating to these dog-loving travelers.

Plus, you’ll get plenty of smiles and just about everyone loves petting a dog because it automatically makes someone feel better, even if it’s just for a few seconds. You never know, you might make someone’s day by allowing them to give your dog some affection.


There are a few cons when it comes to traveling with your dog and one major one is the cost. Airports usually make travelers pay some hefty fees to travel with their companions. Even if you have a small dog that can be put in a travel carrier, airlines can charge upwards of $100, and that’s not round trip. That cost can add up if you constantly travel.

Even going on outdoor adventures with your furry pal can be costly. Hikers bring special gear, food, water, and other equipment with them before they begin their trek. If you bring your dog, it’ll need to have its own items, too.


Many places are allowing people to bring their furry friends, including restaurants with outdoor seating and more and more retail stores are becoming pet-friendly. However, there are still plenty of places that don’t allow any pets and that can screw up anyone’s plans.

Your dog can limit you to where you can stay and can also prevent you from trying out restaurants and checking out places if you are visiting a new city or town. There are even a lot of parks and outdoor areas that don’t allow dogs. So, before you think about traveling with a dog, make sure your itinerary allows for dogs and your hotel is pet-friendly.

Full article with thanks to https://www.thetravel.com/traveling-with-dog-pros-and-cons/